Giulio Giovanella

Born in Trieste (Italy) in 1982, he began sailing as a child and, over the years, acquired a consolidated sailing and shore experience in the most important international events. In the America's Cup in 2007 Giulio was the mid-bowman and was in charge of the sail vision for Mascalzone Latino. He first joined Luna Rossa in 2008 and participated as bowman with the team in high-level professional circuits including the Extreme Sailing Series, the Audi Med Cup (TP52) and the STP65s regattas. During the 34th America's Cup he was in charge of the SL33 catamaran, the two AC45 (Swordfish and Piranha) and the logistical aspects related to the AC72 of Luna Rossa. In 2014 Giulio was the Cagliari Base’s Operations Manager. This is his fourth America’s Cup and he’s in charge of Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli team logistic.