Philippe is one of the best known French sailors and has a long experience in the America's Cup, both as a sailor/helmsman and as a coach. He has competed in two Olympic Games in the Finn and Soling classes and won the Finn Gold Cup twice. At ease on any class of boat, he has won several regattas in international circuits such as Match Racing, RC44, 12M, Maxi, as well as the first edition of the Sail GP with the Australian team as coach. In the America's Cup circuit he has participated in 6 editions (with Oracle Team USA in 2010, 2013 and 2017, with Le Défi Areva in 2003 and with Luna Rossa in 2007, 2021) and has won two as coach of Oracle Team USA (2010, 2013). The one in Barcelona in 2024 will be his seventh America's Cup, the third with Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli. When he has some free time he enjoys playing music and wingfoiling. If he were not a sailor he would probably be a teacher.